Meet Lynn

Lynn DeHartBorn in Munich, Germany, with a career diplomat father, Lynn was exposed to many different cultures at a young age, finding beauty in each and everyone.

When she struck out on her own, she settled in California. With very little interest in traditional education, she enrolled in and graduated from cosmetology school.

She then moved to Sonoma to begin her journey into beautifying her clients through her work in a hair salon. After a year, the owner noticed her passion and offered her the opportunity to purchase the salon.

She decided it was her “next step” and purchased the salon with the help of an investor.

Lynn’s experience in the salon exposed her to how few “clean and natural” products were available for hair and skin.

Wanting to offer her clients only the best in beauty options, she opened a natural skin care and makeup store next to the salon.

She then opened a clothing boutique, which was successful until a huge storm moved through town and flooded the store.

All this experience served her well.

Her next big move was the decision to live in paradise, and she moved to Kona on the Big Island of Hawaii. She was still very interested in natural beauty products, but made the decision to go into creating the best-in-class products herself.

Passionate about creating healthy products, Lynn took from her many years of ingredient research and developed 2 truly “clean and natural” oil formulas, one formula for the face and one for the body.

They are genuinely nourishing . . . food for the skin.

These formulas are packed with naturally-occurring vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants to help with aging and moisture-deprived skin. They are also regenerating and make the skin feel fresh and alive, with a “morning dew” shimmering, resulting on the skin when applied,

The name of the new venture became obvious: “Let’s Dew It”.